If I want to talk to someone about a problem, what do I do?
Call our main number and the receptionist will transfer you to a trained therapist, who will gather information to help us determine the best way to meet your needs.
What if the counselor is not a good match for me?
Talk to him or her about this issue first. If you still cannot work it out, we will be happy to arrange a transfer.
How do I arrange to see a psychiatrist?
You will first meet with a counselor, who will refer you to be seen by a psychiatrist. Together, these two professionals will develop a plan to fit your individual needs.
Is the Family Center connected to NCSS?
The Family Center of Northwestern Vermont located at both 130 Fisher Pond Road St., St Albans and Lake Road in Alburgh, is part of our NCSS Children, & Family Services division. It provides many programs and is one of 16 Parent Child Centers designated by the State of Vermont in its network of support and education for families.
How is NCSS connected to the Dept. of Children & Families (formerly SRS) and my child’s school?
NCSS is a totally separate agency. However, to help families, we coordinate our services for children with other providers. We have strict confidentiality requirements and information about any child is NEVER shared with another agency without the consent of a child’s legal guardian (with the exception of a threat of suicide, homicide or child abuse).
If all I need is a psychiatrist to prescribe medicine for my child, why do we have to go to counseling too?
Medication alone is not the most effective way to treat behavior problems. NCSS child psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners work closely with our other services to help you, including therapy, case management and family support.
Why isn’t there a specific person to call about a particular program or service?
NCSS provides many ways for individuals and families to connect with the help you need, but we do not expect you to know all the names of these specific programs, services or staff! Our internal teamwork ensures that you will be directed to the services that are right for you.
What is the difference between NCSS children’s services offered in the Developmental Services Division versus those offered in the Children, Youth & Family Services Division?
Our Developmental Services, Children and Family Services unit mostly serves children with developmental disabilities — and their families. Our Children, Youth & Family Division provides a full range of services to children with severe emotional disturbances — and their families.
Can I make an appointment for a family member or friend?
Out of respect for each individual, NCSS believes that it is important to speak directly to an adult about scheduling his or her own appointment, so that we can make sure that he or she really wants treatment, and to determine any personal preferences. A child’s legal guardian may, of course, schedule an appointment for the child.