Adult Services
The DS Division provides individuals with a variety of services which are funded through a Medicaid waiver. Services are tailored to the individual’s specific needs and based on an individual’s budget and a person-centered plan. Support may include: Service Coordination, Community Supports, Employment Services, Respite and Supervised Living.
The DS division serves adults ages 18 years old to senior citizens. Services are monitored by individual Services Coordinators/ Case Managers and Team Leaders.
The DS division provides respite services for eligible individuals who need additional supports. A list of providers is available. Please call your Service Coordinator for more information.
Senior Services - Anyone receiving services from the NCSS Developmental Services Division, who is at least 55 years of age, can receive support from the Seniors Team. They assist individuals to access, through informed choice, senior-focused services and activities available in the local and surrounding communities.
The Seniors Team staff is committed to providing exactly the assistance needed and
- Collaborates with Franklin County Home Health Agency
- Collaborates with Area Agency on Aging
- Runs grief groups for people experiencing loss