Employment Services - Adult
The NCSS Community Rehabilitation and Treatment (CRT) program is a treatment program providing services for individuals with severe mental illness. All individuals enrolled in the program have been determined to meet specific eligibility criteria. The CRT program is welcoming to individuals who have both mental health and substance abuse issues. Services are strength based, client centered and generally provided in community settings.
The Mission of the Supported Employment Team is to encourage everyone receiving CRT services to consider the role employment could have in their recovery and wellness. We actively support clients to identify, develop, and achieve their individual employment goals.
Employment is often a large part of a person's self-identity. Working can be infinitely beneficial to an individual with a severe mental illness. Working for a competitive wage in the community provides individuals with financial security and structure, as well as a sense of belonging and purpose.
Working is an important aspect of recovery and can improve quality of life, financial resources, natural supports and self-esteem. Clients who work may experience fewer symptoms. The CRT Supported Employment team offers employment services to anyone in CRT who identifies a desire to work.
We provide employment services to anyone enrolled in the program who is interested in employment regardless of diagnosis, living situation, substance use, work history, or any other circumstance. We meet with clients regularly to develop an employment goal that is based on his/her unique preferences, talents, abilities and experiences. Our staff also works with clients to empower them with informed choices by encouraging and assisting them to access benefits counseling. The CRT employment team works really hard to help participants explore their choices, create easy access and individualize the supports needed. They also provide on-going follow-up.