Knights of Columbus making a difference in the community
Tootsie Roll drive sends campers to NCSS’ Camp Rainbow
Members of the Knights of Columbus, Council 297, St. Albans, Vermont, passed out tootsie rolls, and solicited donations for a charitable cause, before and after masses at Churches in the area.
Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Project Co-Chairman, Jonathan Quick and Gene Quick, oversaw the details with the help of some of their fellow Knights. The funds are used to sponsor campers to attend NCSS’ Camp Rainbow.
On October 8th, Co- Chairs, Jonathan Quick and Gene Quick, along with David Lavallee, Grand Knight, presented a check for $580 to Merry Hill, Coordinator of Camp Rainbow, at the Northwestern Counseling & Support Services Ted Mable Family Center in St. Albans, Vermont.
Co-Chairman, Jonathan Quick and Gene Quick, would like to acknowledge and thank those whose generous donations made this possible.
NCSS’ Camp Rainbow creates an exciting camp experience for children with a diagnosis of autism or other developmental disability.