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Television is part of the Suicide Prevention Awareness media mix for September – Part 3

Posted: Sep 24, 2020 | Categories: Uncategorized

Breaking the stigma surrounding self-harm and suicide Wednesdays third segment focused on How to talk about Suicide.    All week, we’re raising awareness about suicide as part of Suicide Prevention Month. Cat Viglienzoni spoke with Sarah Bindshadler of the Counseling Services of Addison County (CSAC) about breaking down the stigma… Read More
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Television is part of the Suicide Prevention Awareness media mix for September – Part 2

Posted: Sep 23, 2020 | Categories: Uncategorized

How to recognize warning signs for suicide Today’s second segment focuses on the Signs and Symptoms of Suicide.    Cat Viglienzoni spoke with Karen Kurrle, director of intensive care services at Washington County Mental Health Services and Katie Aiken, with United Counseling Serivces. Here’s the link:… Read More
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September is National Suicide Prevention Month

Posted: Sep 14, 2020 | Categories: Uncategorized

Brattleboro, VT – The Vermont Suicide Prevention Symposium: Bringing Resilience into Focus held August 18 attracted over 320 participants from various backgrounds including healthcare, social services, mental health, community-based organizations, state agencies, policy makers and people with lived experience. The opening featured messages from Governor Phil Scott, Secretary of the… Read More
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Progress still needed as ADA marks 30th anniversary.

Posted: Jul 09, 2020 | Categories: Uncategorized

The disability community is the world’s largest minority group and we have so much further to go in achieving equality and equity for all. Many of the dreams and goals of the ADA are at the heart of creating a system of care that is truly person-centered. The ADA has… Read More
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Black Lives Matter to Vermont Care Partners

Posted: Jun 10, 2020 | Categories: Uncategorized

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                             June 9, 2020 CONTACT: Julie Tessler   Black Lives Matter to Vermont Care Partners   Vermont Care Partners is deeply disturbed by the brutal murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers and the ongoing violence and discrimination against Black people and… Read More
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