Importance of youth suicide prevention
The need to eliminate stigma and communicate
By Lance Metayer, Team Leader of NCSS School Based Clinical Services & Project Coordinator for Community FIRST
Suicide prevention is a topic that we often don’t think about until we are directly impacted by the loss of a loved one or a member of our community. Even saying the word “suicide” can feel taboo and bring about feelings of shame or discomfort. The truth is that there is a stigma that surrounds suicide which prevents individuals from addressing the topic and may make it difficult for us to recognize the warning signs of suicide or even ask the question “Are you thinking about suicide”?
Every two years schools throughout the State of Vermont participate in the Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) which provides self-reported data from middle and high school students around many different health and safety measures. In 2017, YRBS data showed that suicide is a public health issue impacting many youth in Franklin/Grand Isle counties and throughout the state of Vermont. Twenty five percent of high school students in our community reported significant symptoms of depression, feeling sad or hopeless for at least two weeks in the past year. Just over one in ten Franklin/Grand Isle County students made a suicide plan in the past 12 months and five percent of students made an attempt in the same time frame. This risk increases by at least four times if a young person identifies as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender or is Questioning. Trends from the Youth Risk Behavior Survey show statistically significant increases in suicidal thoughts and behaviors among youth in Franklin/Grand Isle Counties within the last decade.
So the question is how do we support youth in our community who are struggling with suicidal thoughts or feelings? As community members we must work to break down the barriers that prevent us from talking about suicide. We must understand how to recognize suicide warning signs, how to talk with a young person who is suicidal, and understand how to get help. Northwestern Counseling and Support Services and the Vermont’s Designated Mental Health Agency (DA) System has a mission to provide suicide prevention to Vermonters to provide education about the warning signs of suicide and engage the community in this important dialogue. Two trainings Vermont’s DA system provides are the 8 hour Youth Mental Health First Aid Training and the 2 hour U-Matter Suicide Prevention Training. Both courses teach community members how to recognize the warning signs of suicide, how to approach and talk to a young person who is in crisis or suicidal, and teaches participants where to go to seek professional help. As a result of training participants report they feel more confident and better equipped to support a young person who is in crisis or suicidal. In the last four years over 2,700 Vermonters have taken the Youth Mental Health First Aid training and in the last 8 years over 3,000 have been trained in U-Matter. Throughout the state there is 1 adult trained in suicide prevention for every 20 youth statewide.
In addition to formalized training community members can also educate themselves on suicide warning signs and broaden their understanding of resources in their communities. The National Suicide Prevention Line provides resources and information to recognize the warnings sings of suicide and provides links to professional support.
If you are concerned that a young person is displaying the following suicide warning signs it is important to act immediately. Do not leave the young person alone and seek professional support, and remember that it is okay to ask the question “Are you thinking about suicide”?
Suicide warning signs:
- Threatening to hurt or kill himself/herself
- Talking or posting on social media about death, dying or suicide.
- Showing a dramatic shift in mood
- Withdrawing from friends, family or relationships
- Seeking access to pills, weapons or other means
- Expressing hopelessness, no reason for living or having no sense of purpose in life.
- Feeling trapped
- Giving away prized possessions
If you are concerned about yourself or a loved one it is important to seek help immediately by calling the 24/7 crisis hotline in your area to speak with a trained mental health professional. To find out more information about the Youth Mental Health First Aid Training contact Lance Metayer at