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NCSS 2017 Annual Meeting & Recognition Night

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Posted: Nov 20, 2017| Categories: Uncategorized

NCSS 2017 Annual Meeting & Recognition Night

The Northwestern Counseling & Support Services, Inc. (NCSS) 2017 Annual Meeting & Recognition Night was held on November 1st at the St. Albans American Legion. The theme of the evening was “We’re here for you with an array of specialty services”.  Over 180 attendees enjoyed an evening of good food, camaraderie and information sharing, plus the recognition of community and staff members who have made extraordinary contributions in the lives of Franklin and Grand Isle County residents.  

 The evening included the election of new board members Jim McMillan and Tony Treanor. Jim McMillan was also elected as the new President for a two-year term.   

Rob Hirss and Jeremy Read were recognized for their six years of service to the board and Jeff Moreau, Dan Thompson and Anjanette Watson for completing a three-year term while being reconfirmed for another three year term.

 Officers that were reappointed for a two-year term were Carl Rosenquist – Vice President; Dan Thompson – Treasurer; Jeff Moreau – Secretary; and, Angela Poirier – Member at Large.

 Executive Director, Todd Bauman, presented the 2017 Annual Report to the Community. 


Todd Bauman with Michael Monte, Champlain Housing Trust Chief Operating and Financial Officer, receiving Marcheta Townsend Community Partner Award.

Todd Bauman with Michael Monte, Champlain Housing Trust Chief Operating and Financial Officer, receiving Marcheta Townsend Community Partner Award.

This year’s Marcheta Townsend Community Partner Award recipient is Champlain Housing Trust. This award honors individuals and organizations that collaborate with NCSS to ensure the success of residents in our community.  Michael Monte, Champlain Housing Trust, Chief Operating and Financial Officer, accepted the award.  As one of the social determinants of health, stable housing is an important component to overall well-being. In many instances Champlain Housing Trust gives people a second chance. In the words of an NCSS client, “Champlain Housing Trust did not provide me with a house. They allowed me to create my own home.”   

 Partner in Excellence Award recipients are Amanda Lobb, Service Coordinator, Intensive Case Management and Nancy Taylor, Employment Services Team Leader. This award is intended to be the highest honor the organization can give to one of its employees by recognizing those staff who are in the

Nancy Taylor, Partner in Excellence Award recipient, with Kathy Brown.

Nancy Taylor, Partner in Excellence Award recipient, with Kathy Brown.

top 1% in the organization. These employees exemplify the NCSS values of Safety, Responsiveness, Compassion and Integrity. In addition, they have made a major contribution to a client, to the organization or to the community at large. 

Samantha Sweet, Amanda Lobb, Partner in Excellence Award recipient, and Dr. Steve Broer.

Samantha Sweet, Amanda Lobb, Partner in Excellence Award recipient, and Dr. Steve Broer.

Northwestern Counseling & Support Services is a private, non-profit, human services agency serving Franklin and Grand Isle Counties.  NCSS provides intervention and support to children, adolescents, and adults with emotional and behavioral problems, mental illness and intellectual disabilities.

For more information about NCSS visit our website or our Facebook page for more information about our programs and services.


PHOTOS:  by Éva Watson



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